Is Reincarnation Real? By Wendy Powers I
have found from doing psychic readings over the years that many
people are stuck in a life problem and seem doomed to repeat the
issue or never resolve it unless they go to where the original karma
began. Sometimes that means looking at past life, then again it may
be karma we have created in the current life. Picking the same type
of person each time we find a new love even when we think the person
will be so much different than the last relationship. What is
recurring is really within yourself and whether it is a relationship
or any other life issue you sometimes need to look within and resolve
the issue in order to clear the karma. Some
people just cannot come to grips with the thought that it could be a
past life issue because they just don't know if they believe in
reincarnation. What
is it that reincarnates and how exactly does it happen? Bhagavad
the ancient text of India suggests that the soul leaves when the body dies. The type of body and psychological disposition (likes, dislikes, phobias, and so on) one receives upon rebirth is dependent on the actions (karma) within that one life combined with the actions from previous lives. By some inconceivable system, all of one's positive and negative deeds are recorded. This means no one gets away with anything. Moreover, all positive and negative actions create within the individual a psychological disposition to continue performing that action. For example, if one starts stealing or gets in the habit of lying and doesn't try to change these tendencies, then in the next life, one will pick up where they left off. The same goes for positive actions. The
mind propels us into action based on its conditioning which is based
on past actions. So, when the body reaches its demise, the mind and
soul get transferred into --hopefully-- another human womb. Even
while in the womb, the mind remains active and is recalling events
from the previous life. In a NY Times article, “Do Babies Dream,”
Charles P. Pollack, director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at New
York-Presbyterian/Weill explains, "Most dreaming occurs during a
type of sleep called REM sleep, which occurs at all life stages,
including infancy, and even before infancy, in fetal life.” This
article doesn't establish the fact that the dreams of the fetus are
from previous lives, but it does indicate that the little guy is
dreaming. If he or she hasn't lived before, what in the world could
it be dreaming of? The
mind functions kind of like a hard drive with millions of files on
it. If a hard drive is transferred into a different computer, the new
computer will have all the same information as the previous one. So,
when the mind and soul are relocated into a new body, the exterior is
different, but all the programming stored in the mind are exactly the
same. This programming will make the person behave in very much the
same way as they did in the previous life because the conditioning
and impressions are the same. The car may be different, but the
driver is the same. Hence, we are not very different from who we were
in our previous life. The memories are very specific and can often be
verified. Dr.
Ian Stevenson the
founder and director of the University of Virginia's Division of
Perceptual Studies researched and wrote about this phenomena
extensively. Dr.
Ian Stevenson is probably
the best known, if not most respected, collector of scientific data
that appears to provide scientific proof that reincarnation is real. Instead
of relying on hypnosis to verify that an individual has had a
previous life, he instead chose to collect thousands of cases of
children who spontaneously (without hypnosis) remember a past life.
Dr. Ian Stevenson uses this approach because spontaneous past life
memories in a child can be investigated using strict scientific
protocols. Hypnosis, while useful in researching past lives, is less
reliable from a purely scientific perspective.
In order to collect his data, Dr. Stevenson methodically documents
the child's statements of a previous life. Then he identifies the
deceased person the child remembers being, and verifies the facts of
the deceased person's life that match the child's memory. He even
matches birthmarks and birth defects to wounds and scars on the
deceased, verified by medical records. His strict methods
systematically rule out all possible "normal" explanations
for the child’s memories. To
help you to discover and resolve karma that maybe holding you back
from spiritual evolution and happiness, I recommend you may need to
look into a past life through Hypnosis. One expert in this type of
hypnosis therapy will be my guest Saturday September 6,
10:00am EST. on Body Mind Spirit Radio, “The Wendy Powers show.” Laura
Chandler is a certified hypnotherapist, and founder of the Sacred
Stream which is a non-profit organization and school for
consciousness studies dedicated to bringing the wisdom of ancient
spiritual and healing traditions into awareness of contemporary
society. Laura will discus what to expect in a past life regression
session. She uses the Depth Hypnosis method. This is a unique method
which encourages self-responsibility as it engages the client in a
process of self-empowerment through self-knowledge. Whatever your
symptoms, Depth Hypnosis as a model seeks to meet you where you are.
Every person is unique, and so the process of Depth Hypnosis for each
person must also be unique. The Sacred Stream was founded in 2002 and
is located in Berkeley California. They offer a core set of classes
in subjects such as Depth Hypnosis, Applied Shamanism, Applied
Buddhism, Integrated Energy Medicine and Trans-personal Psychology. For
more information visit; or As
a Clairvoyant, I also can read a person's past life through my
psychic abilities and very often see exactly where and when your
issue (karma) may have begun. Sometimes, without having to go through
hypnosis, but by just knowing your karma and how and why it started
is enough for you to release it and move on with your life. So
make sure you join me on my September “First Saturday” radio show
on BMSRadio at 10:00 EST with my guest, Laura Chandler. I will be taking your
calls for questions and mini readings. Call into the show early to
get into the queue for your Mini reading: 646-378-0378 Infinite Love& Peace, Wendy
Nugent Powers Learn more
about having your own personal one hour reading with Wendy at: |
Is Reincarnation Real